Apple, Save My Marriage
Highlights and Show Notes
Sean Doran related:
Sean on Twitter (@SPJPGRD)
Sean’s last episode of Techtonic
Mentioned in passing:
Amazon Echo
Apple WWDC: What to expect at this year’s conference
iOS wish list:
Apple Wants to Make Siri Far More Powerful
Apple’s VocalIQ takeover could hint at Siri upgrades for WWDC and beyond
How to use Siri with typing instead of your voice on iPhone and iPad
Apple Working on Amazon Echo Competitor, Opening Siri Up to Developers
Google’s text messaging strategy: try everything
macOS wish list:
Deep within the rumor mill?: ‘Apple to Sell Personal Cloud Storage Device Starting Next Month’
Apple Time Capsule 2TB ME177LL/A [5th Generation]
Arq Backup: backs up all your computers
Dropbox Project Infinite: A revolutionary new way to access all your files
OS X: Turn your beautiful photos into beautiful keepsakes.
wachOS wish list:
- Faster, like demo models
- Better button actions
Everything is a Remix:
Everything is a Remix (Remastered)
The iPhone Case Study
The series is by Kirby Ferguson
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