Episodes related to topic: craft

Top Brew The AeroPress in My Happy Meal
Hosted by Joseph Darnell and Eric Rauch

This week on the show, Eric and Joe introduce “follow-up,” discuss coffee percolators, explain how they would approach brewing large amounts of coffee for special gatherings at home, and more.

Top Brew Hand-spun Spider Webs
Hosted by Joseph Darnell and Eric Rauch

This week on the podcast, Eric and Joe talk about one of the more popular—yet lesser known—coffee makers that craft brewers love: the Hario V60. It’s the best ‘utilitarian’ coffee dripper, and has come to be Eric’s favorite brewing device.

Top Brew A Cold Shower in a Polish Winter
Hosted by Joseph Darnell and Eric Rauch

Joe and our guest Justin Archer discuss caffeine addiction, abstaining from caffeine, and Justin’s brewing ritual. As the “optimized self” life coach of OptimizedSelf.ninja, Justin uses a variety of nutrients and suppliments — including coffee — to give himself a special edge.

Top Brew We Are Not Snobby Coffee Drinkers
Hosted by Joseph Darnell and Eric Rauch

Eric Rauch and Joe Darnell asked friends what the first thing is that comes to mind about coffee, which lead to the great discussion we have in this first episode about the world’s love affair with this tasty drink.