Episodes related to topic: darnell

Top Brew It’s Got Nothing to Do with Leprechauns
Hosted by Joseph Darnell and Eric Rauch

Eric and Joe enjoy an Irish coffee together and discuss its origins, how to perfect the recipe, find the right ingredients, use traditional Irish coffee mugs, and give some other tips for adventurous coffee enthusiasts to try at home.

Techtonic A Focused Activity Timer

Joshua and Joe discuss the Focus app with Mac/iOS developer Jan Heiermann.

Top Brew Combination French Press, Hair Dryer & Time Machine
Hosted by Joseph Darnell and Eric Rauch

Joe Darnell interviews returning guest, John Guiliano. Writer, photographer and coffee enthusiast, John is a year into his coffee journey at BrewingCoffeeManually.com. We discuss his writing practices, routine for content creation, his new “Choose Your Weapon” t-shirts, and excellent reasons to write a coffee journal.

Techtonic All the Monuments About You

Joshua and Joe discuss Apple Music and SignPilot with Josh Lambert.

Top Brew Cats and Coffee Makers Don’t Mix
Hosted by Joseph Darnell and Eric Rauch

Joe has bad news about his Chemex, Eric is weirded out by Joe’s observational skills, and together they discuss ways a listener of the show could upgrade his coffee at home.

Techtonic The Sarcasm Bell

Joshua and Joe discuss new and innovative for 2016 with special guest Cody Coats.

Top Brew A Hallmark in a Cup
Hosted by Joseph Darnell and Eric Rauch

For the big Four Zero, Joe and Eric discuss changes in Joe’s household that led him to switch from an AeroPress to a Chemex. In review, the guys debate the merits of a coffee-to-water ratio chart, and Joe names the factors of ‘Eleven Things Only a Coffee Snob Would Understand’, so you can grade yourself on your true level of eccentric coffee snobbery.

Techtonic All the Good Managements

Joshua and Joe discuss goals and time management tricks with Tim Stringer.

Top Brew There’s Chemicals in My Chemicals
Hosted by Joseph Darnell and Eric Rauch

Eric and Joe wish you a happy ‘Back to the Future’ day, and introduce a segment of follow-up. They talk about human genes and how caffiene is metabolized, the plunging price of commodity coffee around the globe, the science behind flavoring a pumpkin spice latte, and how some coffee drinkers use salt to mask bitterness in their brew.

Techtonic House of the Future

Home automation is significantly improving ever so slowly. With us is an avid home automator, Katie Floyd, to discuss her sweet setup.